A training to help courageous leaders and teams working in complexity to breakthrough to the next level of collaboration, innovation and care.
Legacy systems, structures and cultures can make it challenging to work together with our ideals of shared power, participation and autonomy.
Effective collaborators today know how to bring generative and inclusive ways of working together with flow and productivity.
In this training, you’ll learn to combine pragmatic practices of shared leadership with collective intelligence theory and worldview awareness to bring greater alignment to your work in teams, across teams and with multi-stakeholder partners and projects.
Explore key collaborative practices and tools that are both efficient and enlivening. You’ll surface insights about challenges and opportunities that you can focus on to breakthrough into shared leadership.
Join a diverse international team of experienced Horizontal Leadership practitioners at the National Museum of Australia for this three day experience.
Based on the best selling book by Samantha Slade Going Horizontal: Creating non-hierarchical organisations one practice at a time, and more than 15 years of combined applied research and experimentation.
A partnership between Percolab Canada and Campfire Coop, Australia.